PyData Workshop: Beginner's Hope: AI Made Easy - Report

PyData Workshop: Beginner's Hope: AI Made Easy - Report

The much-awaited AI workshop kicked off on the 28th of August, 2021. Organizers and facilitators welcomed participants and then the installation party began. This installation party was accompanied with delicious snacks from our host sponsor - Turntabl.

Right after installing Python and Jupyter notebooks, we had an introductory tutorial in Python basics and wrapped up the day's event in anticipation of the main AI sessions the following day.

Day two (2) of the workshop couldn’t come any sooner - with the team, participants and organisers super pumped with anticipation for the main event.

The tutorial sessions started right after the introduction with a little recap of the previous day's sessions.

Later in the day, there was a session with Conrad Ho, a global PyData executive and PythonAnywhere partner, about the PyData community, open-source contributions, and insights on skill development.. This session was very helpful as participants were eager to learn more about the ecosystem and improve their Python & AI skills.

This session paved the way for the tutorials on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The goal was to make participants understand the difference between AI, ML and data science as well as popular jargon they might see frequently in their AI journey. Complex concepts and Terminologies in AI were also broken down by the facilitators in a very simple and interesting way.

To cap-off the day, we had a lightning session from Samuel Osei Afriyie from NVIDIA AI about the prospects of AI/ML and opportunities with NVIDIA Emerging Chapter.

By the end of the tutorials, participants understood the underlying concepts behind some Machine learning algorithms.

The experience from both days were amazing and we look forward to inspiring success stories from the participants in a few months.

A heartfelt thanks to our generous sponsors Turntabl and RStudio that made this possible and JetBrains for supporting us.

Also, a huge thanks to the resource team, organizers, and volunteers: Martha Teye, Dorothy Ewuah, Joana Lawer, Gideon Opoku, Kelvin Prince, Michael Young, Bilesanmi Ahmad, Chima Ibebunjoh, Audrey Mengue, Dorothy Opoku and Mannie Young for a fun-filled Intro to AI workshop.

Photo Album to the event: