PyLadies Homecoming Fun Day

PyLadies Homecoming Fun Day

On December 3rd, 2022, PyLadies held their last meetup of the year at the BaseCamp Initiative Center.

We had in attendance about 20 attendees from the community. The event started at 2 p.m. with an introduction, the purpose of the gathering from the moderators, and a community address from the lead facilitator - Yaa Nuamuah.

It was a day to relax, have fun, network with other women in tech, and get away from computers and programming discussions. Games like Chess, Scrabble, Ludo, Oware, and Jenga were provided to keep the ladies entertained, as well as refreshments.

It was a delight to have the former PyLadies lead, Abigail Mesrenyame, join virtually from the USA. She shared her journey with Pyladies as a leader. She also encouraged the ladies to take part in volunteer initiatives spearheaded by the community and to utilize their sisterhood and connections to advance their careers.

Winners of the various games were rewarded, and all in all, the meetup was a success with lots of exciting anticipations for the coming year.

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